Single Black Women Got It Goin’ On
Single Black Women Got It Goin’ On
Says who? Well, a whole slew of statistics referenced by Yolanda Young in her editorial/opinion article in USA Today. Seems that single black women are enjoying better health than their married counterparts. Also according to this article, since those black couples who do marry tend to not stay together anyhow, we now ask, what’s the point? ‘If I marry Tyrone, I’ll probably average one more cold a year than I would if I was single, or Jamal could make my blood pressure go up, hmm, I think I’ll skip the wedding and go book that singles cruise I’ve been eyeing for some time now…’
Stop. I’m going to first let you in on a little secret about me, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Statistics. Was I crazy for picking such major? Maybe. But I can tell you that numbers, statistics that is, can be manipulated to support any idea, cause, or opinion. I’m not saying this necessarily to shoot holes in the article Young wrote, but let me offer another viewpoint. Certainly it’s clear that the pickin’s are slim for any educated, independent single woman in America. And more so for black women, it’s true. But is that any reason to give up on your hopes of marrying, and marrying a black man for that matter? I don’t think so. My book Shades of Retribution covers the topic. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend any of the tactics that my heroines employed (unless you’re seeking lengthy jail time). But I would encourage all women considering marriage to spend a lot more time getting to know ourselves instead of allowing statistics to dictate our life decisions. I grew up witnessing several marriages between black women and black men that not only survived but thrived. Many sacrifices were made and sometimes the going got rough, but those couples hung in there and made it happen. I have friends in very happy marriages that will likely go the distance. Marriage is not for everyone. Is it for you? Let your heart decide and your actions guide you.
Chandra Adams
Shades of Retribution
Says who? Well, a whole slew of statistics referenced by Yolanda Young in her editorial/opinion article in USA Today. Seems that single black women are enjoying better health than their married counterparts. Also according to this article, since those black couples who do marry tend to not stay together anyhow, we now ask, what’s the point? ‘If I marry Tyrone, I’ll probably average one more cold a year than I would if I was single, or Jamal could make my blood pressure go up, hmm, I think I’ll skip the wedding and go book that singles cruise I’ve been eyeing for some time now…’
Stop. I’m going to first let you in on a little secret about me, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Statistics. Was I crazy for picking such major? Maybe. But I can tell you that numbers, statistics that is, can be manipulated to support any idea, cause, or opinion. I’m not saying this necessarily to shoot holes in the article Young wrote, but let me offer another viewpoint. Certainly it’s clear that the pickin’s are slim for any educated, independent single woman in America. And more so for black women, it’s true. But is that any reason to give up on your hopes of marrying, and marrying a black man for that matter? I don’t think so. My book Shades of Retribution covers the topic. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend any of the tactics that my heroines employed (unless you’re seeking lengthy jail time). But I would encourage all women considering marriage to spend a lot more time getting to know ourselves instead of allowing statistics to dictate our life decisions. I grew up witnessing several marriages between black women and black men that not only survived but thrived. Many sacrifices were made and sometimes the going got rough, but those couples hung in there and made it happen. I have friends in very happy marriages that will likely go the distance. Marriage is not for everyone. Is it for you? Let your heart decide and your actions guide you.
Chandra Adams
Shades of Retribution