Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Summer’s Almost Here

Summer’s Almost Here

Are you ready? I just sort of creeps up on you, I know. Every December, no, every January, after I’ve spent two holiday weeks stuffing my face I realize that I have six months to lose ten more pounds, or whatever my goal is at the time. Then, after that far-fetched fantasy, I grab a bowl of microwave popcorn, a blanket, and pop in DVD which usually catches me snoring. I continue repeat that ‘I still have ---- months to get in shape’ and then lay around on the couch until say around the middle of May and then I realize that I’ve squandered away another half a year or so that was meant to be dedicated to total fitness.

I think this year is different. Although I still didn’t get off the couch until May, I am much more motivated to get stronger and healthier than I am to lose pounds and that might be the big difference in my attitude. Whatever the case, I feel better and stronger than I did last month and I expect that trend to continue. I get as much walking and yard work in as I can and cancelled my gym membership finally. I know that might sound backward, canceling the membership and all, but believe me it was just a crutch and strong excuse for me to not do anything to get in shape. I don’t like going to the gym at all, and I was just wasting money. So I figured out what I could do that I like and have been consistent. When I can’t get out and walk because of the weather or nightfall, I dance around my place. One of the better benefits of all of this activity is even when I don’t feel like doing any exercise at all, before I know it I’m up and doing chores that I would normally put off. So even if you aren’t bikini ready, get up and get moving. You’ll look better, feel better, and it will go a long way toward improving your health.

Chandra Adams
Shades of Retribution
North Bay Media Review


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